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. Introduction
. Attitude & Action for Achievement
. Business Breakthroughs
. The Psychology of Client Decision Making
. The Manager as Coach
. The Art & Science of Selling
. Leading with Emotional Intelligence
. Attitude & Action for Leadership Achievement


Business Breakthroughs delivered
Increased sales and more free time

Premium Home Loans * is a mortgage brokerage that offers objective advice to customers looking for home loans. It's a national company with over 70 franchises and 500 mortgage consultants.


With the business growing rapidly, Premium Home Loans wanted to develop its best franchisees to reach the next level of performance. Many franchisees had reached a plateau in their achievements and wanted to build their businesses and find new opportunities.

Premium Home Loans recognised the need to develop a model to lead franchisees forward. They wanted to change the attitudes and behaviours of franchisees. By changing the mindsets of the brokers, they would be able to build their businesses and maximise their opportunities.


ABT met with Premium Home Loans to design a personal and business development program for the top franchisees.

It was decided the program should be delivered in a workshop format with reinforcement coaching to build on the existing knowledge of the franchisees. The program would deliver the latest research and practical strategies on how to achieve exemplary performance in business.

ABT recommended an attitudinal and behavioural change strategy that focused on developing not only the "what to do" but the "how to" actions and the "will do" attitude of the franchisees.

The training was delivered in several stages to ensure the learning and transference of the new attitudes and skills into new behavioural habits. ABT conducted a briefing with the relevant people at Premium Home Loans to fine tune the workshops content and program expectations. This ensured the material was customised to the needs of Premium Home Loans' franchisees.

ABT measured the explanatory style of the franchisees. This gives people an insight into how their thinking affects their interpretation of events. Their results increased their awareness of their own thought habits and the relationship between optimism, mental toughness and business productivity.

ABT developed the course content, workshop materials, productivity exercise templates and coaching assignments and delivered the series of training workshop programs in half day sessions at quarterly meetings. This was followed by individual coaching sessions for each of the franchisees. The coaching was carried out after the workshops. The coaching was on specific development activities set at the training workshops. The coaching looked at individual performance issues and held the franchisees accountable for personal and business change.


The franchisees valued the workshop highly, rating its relevance as more than 9 out of 10. (See the evidence below.) They commented that it helped them achieve the 'hard to do' tasks and make the tough decisions. They also felt better able to manage themselves and others more effectively.

The franchisees increased their confidence and developed better time management skills, enabling them to focus on the business strategy rather than getting bogged down in the administrative or low value activities.

Here are some of their comments:

  • "The program increases your confidence to move forward with your business."
  • "It shows you how to work through roadblocks and problems."
  • "You learn to put issues and problems in perspective."
  • "It taught me how to react and deal with staff."
  • "It delivers easily usable strategies to apply to my business."
  • "You learn to mange your emotions and stay result focused."
  • "It gives you tools to make decisions and develop action plans to implement decisions."
  • "It's very practical and delivers specific knowledge as well as being very hands on."

The new skills learned in the workshop, and reinforced through the coaching, enabled the franchisees to move forward by making the right decisions and dealing with people more effectively. It helped the franchisees identify and implement strategies for developing their businesses in the long term.

The Evidence

Franchisees were asked to evaluate their skills before and after the program. The results show they have improved across all key areas that were targeted.

skills comaprison

The franchisees were also asked to rate the course itself. Their average response is 9 out of 10 or more, fully recommending it to others.

course rating


-The Psychology of Client Decision Making

-The Manager as Coach

-Leading with Emotional Intelligence

-Emotional Intelligence in Selling

-Business Breakthroughs

-The Art and Science of Selling

-Attitude and Action for Achievement

-Building a Positive Workplace

Note:The client's name has been changed to maintain their privacy.
